Do we deliver abroad?
please see our delivery policy page.

How long will my order take to get to me?
All products on our website are stocked at our warehouse and dispatched the same working day for orders placed before 12pm. Courier times vary depending on order size
parcel force orders 2 working days royal mail orders 2/3 working days.

Do I get everything in the picture?
Occasionally the image will contain items that are sold separately or are not available the product description will state what it consists of.

How much is postage?
Delivery to the UK is Free.

Dispatch times?
Order placed before before 12pm are dispatched the same day Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.

What do I do if I never received my order?
If you do not receive your order please contact us on 0114 2166730 or email us at
and we will be happy sort this out for you.

What do I do if I received a defective order?
Occasionally things don't go to plan were only human but we are more than happy to sort any problems out just contact
us at the earliest opportunity on 0114 2166730 or email us at

Where are you located?
We are located in Sheffield UK

How do I contact your company if my question isn’t answered here?
We are always on hand to help our number is 0114 2166730 or email us at
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